Bugsink bugs happen — own ’em

Error tracking

Get notified about errors in your applications in real-time.

All the information needed to triage and fix them in a single location.

App screenshot

Built to self-host

Have full control over your data by running Bugsink on servers that you own or rent yourself.

Installation is easy, and we provide detailed instructions to help you get started.

Bring your own sink

Connect any application

To report errors to Bugsink, you only need to add a few lines of code to your application.

Bugsink is compatible with Sentry's open source SDKs which are available for most popular programming languages.

Sink with many sources

Scalable and Reliable

When your application starts misbehaving, the last thing you want is for your error tracking system to fail or to run over quota.

Bugsink can deal with millions of events per day on dirt cheap hardware, so you can trust it to keep working when you need it most.

Skyscraper-sized sink


Bugsink is currently in private beta. We're still working out the pricing details, but we commit ourselves to the following:

  • Running locally for yourself is and will always be free.
  • Production use will be paid, but never per event.

Our pricing model aligns our incentives with yours: we don't charge per event, because we're in the business of helping you find and fix bugs, not making you pay for them.